Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I Am Woman...ROAR!

Hello all! It's been a couple weeks. Lots has happened! I turned a year older and created a title sequence, the Academy hosted its 82nd Oscar ceremony, and a woman won the Best Director Oscar - FINALLY!

First off: Thank you for all the birthday wishes - they were much appreciated. The day was very lovely and low-key. Drove around, listened to podcasts, stopped off at Ormsby's for a beer. One thing Glenn and I learned that day - check which counties in Georgia are dry on Sundays - because you will not be able to enjoy a pint otherwise. Oy.

Second: My title sequence turned out really well. I got an A in the class - yay! I don't know if I exactly channeled David Lynch, but I like the finished project. A couple shout-outs: To the Grimwoods for letting me use your home as my setting - it was perfect! And you saved my sequence. And to Glenn, for being my "Johnny Depp" and allowing me to film your adorable face. Your performance was fantastic! I'll also honor your wishes and not post the video here, but folks, if you'd like to see, let me know - just don't tell Glenn!

Third: This past Sunday was the 82nd annual Academy Awards. Of the 10 nominees, I saw 8 of the films, finally watching Inglourious Basterds the night before. I really enjoyed the movie, though, I did cover my eyes at a handful of parts, and relied on my movie companion to jolt me awake at times - it was a little long, plus we started watching it after midnight, and I was tired! But it was a very interesting film. Tarantino is such a cinephile, and it shows! He has a very distinct style and way of telling stories, and in this case, re-writing history. Brad Pitt should stick to comedic roles only - he was great! And Christoph Waltz who took home this year's Oscar for Best Supporting Actor was phenomenal, really excellent as a maniacal Nazi. Anyhow, the 2 films I have to see from the list of nominees: Precious and A Serious Man

For the Oscars themselves: I didn't think there were that many surprises. I suppose some people were expecting
-- from what I hear, both are very good. Avatar to take home more than it did, but I was very happy with the number that The Hurt Locker racked up. Of the nominees, that was by far my favorite. Interestingly, it is the Best Picture Winner with the lowest box office receipts - $14 million. I have a feeling that'll change soon. It probably won't reach Avatar money earnings, but it'll still add to its own pocketbook. The highlight of the Awards for me was by far the prize for Best Director. This was the first time in the 82 years of the Oscars that a WOMAN has won the Best Directing honor - long, long, long overdue, and completely well deserved. Kathryn Bigelow also seemed so shocked and beside herself and very humbled. For the other women winners: I was very happy to see Sandra Bullock win - even if I don't think her performance was the best of the year - I still think she's adorable. Also, Mo'Nique's acceptance speech was fantastic. She was so well composed and articulate. I really really like her - and, she shoots in the studio next to TCM! I'm hoping to meet her very soon!

Looking at the current state of films: I'm interested to see Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland and Shutter Island, but I've heard not so good things about either. I don't know. I hope something worth my $10 comes out soon. I'm itching for a good movie outing!

1 comment:

Unknown said...