Thursday, March 25, 2010

Food Fun for Me!

Okay, I have to share that I just ordered 2 new cookbooks from Amazon, and I'm super stoked! I promise, this blog will not turn into a Julie & Julia (or Courtney & Martha) blog. It will remain true to its cinephilia, but if I happen to pair a meal with a movie, please do not hate me for mentioning or elaborating upon what I prepare. Perhaps I'll start movie nights based around a dish - or vice-versa. I mean, it would be very easy to pair food and wine with, say, The Godfather, as I've done before. Hmmmm...I wonder what I could come up with for, say, 2001: A Space Odyssey - this could be a fun project! Anyhow, we'll see how successful I am with the recipes sans films. I really do hope I'm able to make Nana proud! 

Oh - and from Netflix today I received Precious and Days of Heaven. I'm really looking forward to both! I'll write more once I've watched.

1 comment:

rko said...

I like the idea of pairing a meal with a movie. I've always wanted to do a Godfather party and make spaghetti and meatballs.