Monday, March 22, 2010


Happy Monday all! Today starts my week-long vacay of cleaning, organizing, and attempting to write a final paper. On this first day, however, the weather is horribly dismal, and my motivation has quickly vanished. I mean, as of Saturday, it's Spring! Friday and Saturday were in the 70s! But today is in the 40s with rain, rain, rain (and some snow)! Sigh. Well, at least while I'm not checking off the to-do list, I thought I'd squeeze in a quick post.

Sadly, I have not watched anything new in the last week, well, other than television shows. I caught the season premiere of South Park (taking advantage of the Tiger Woods debacle), watched some new The Office (with some green screen like whoa), and was introduced to Gordon Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares - which, I must say, made me a tad scared about restaurants' kitchens. Perhaps that is why a lot of the weekend was spent making meals instead of ordering in or eating out, something at which I am making a concerted effort to do both for my wallet and health. 

Well, in order to get into the culinary spirit as well as incorporate some movie watching, while dinner and dessert - by me! - were being prepared, Pixar's Ratatouille played on screen. I really, really, really enjoy this film. No, this was not my first viewing (I did see it when it was in theaters), but I always learn something new about wine or cooking each time I watch. The whole premise is pretty strange but awfully entertaining and adorable. I mean, how many movies are able to pull off a rat being cute and sweet and able to make you want to dine on his culinary creations instead of being completely repulsed by the site of him? Answer: None, other than this one. I feel that this is a Pixar film that really speaks to the adult audience more than the tiny tots. For anyone who enjoys food, you must see this film. It is so well told and beautifully animated, and probably one of the only Pixars that'll make you wish you had a glass of wine in hand while viewing. It'll also make you want to go to Paris or at least get out your Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking and trying your hand at a recipe or two.

And while I did not venture to Paris or break out the ole' French Cooking book, I did enjoy some delicious meals this weekend. My sole contribution were my homemade cookies paired with some Moosetracks ice cream. I initially planned on baking my Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies, but alas, it is not the season for pumpkin. So, I quickly re-imagined the dish and went with Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies. It was fun playing with the recipe and not going by a book - I think Remy would've been proud. Plus, my taste testers were 100% satisfied. So BAM!


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