Saturday, February 27, 2010

February is at a close....

Alright, I have my two films to share on this second to last day of February 2010, and I don't foresee myself blogging tomorrow :) Overall, I had quite an enjoyable February! Lots of fun was had even with the crazy amounts of work - which I'm still sifting through. But I am looking forward to tomorrow, though I have NO clue what's in store for me. I hope it's fun and happy!

To the films! I saw An Education a couple weeks ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. Carey Mulligan plays Jenny, a high school student in 1960s England who is much too smart and worldly for her small, English town. She falls prey to the advances of a much older Peter Sarsgaard, and from the beginning, you just know something's off about him. Regardless, you become mesmerized with the world Jenny finds herself in and the way her parents - played wonderfully by Alfred Molina and Cara Seymour - allow themselves to become smitten with their daughter's new suitor. The story is entertaining, but the production is fantastic! The film captures the 1960s so well - from the clothes, to the cars, to the music - it really makes you wish you were there. Honestly, I wish I had Jenny's wardrobe - gorgeous! What made this film for me - besides the production quality - was Carey Mulligan's performance. She was brilliant - completely believable and at ease. She very deservedly is nominated for the Best Actress Academy Award, and I'm looking forward to see who walks away with that statuette next week. I very much recommend you add this film to your To See List, and I hope you enjoy it!

Okay, so after weeks on my TV stand, I watched District 9. I thought, alright, this is a Best Picture nominee, I have to see what the fuss is about. Honestly, and I know that someone's going to disagree with me, I'm not quite sure why it was nominated. I mean, it was entertaining - in parts - some of the shots were pretty interesting, and the aliens were cool, but overall, I had some issues with it. First, the trailer for the film was AWESOME. The whole documentary look and feel - had they stayed with it - could have made the film really fantastic; yet, they kept going between doc and non-doc shots, and it was driving me crazy! The non-doc look was too glossy. The film should have stayed gritty and handheld like a documentary. Instead, there were random effects thrown in with framing that was just distracting. Second, the main character, meh, I could've done without. He was pretty annoying. Towards the end of the film I started feeling a tad more sympathetic for him, but overall, I wish the film had focused more on the aliens. They were way more interesting. Last, I get the metaphor, and yeah, it's a pretty creative one, but it didn't do it for me enough. All-in-all, I was a little let down, and I know that overall the reviews were very mixed on this. Of the people I've talked about District 9 with, it's pretty half and half on LOVE IT! or HATE IT! I guess, I'm kind of in the middle. But I do not think it deserves a Best Picture nod, and I'm pretty positive, had the Academy NOT expanded the list to 10 nominees, District 9 would NOT have made the final 5. At least, I'd hope not.

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