Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I Heart Coffee.

I may not be a devout or even practicing Catholic, but the Lenten tradition of giving up something between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday refuses to leave me alone. Each year I do my darndest to sacrifice a little something, so this year, I went back to giving up coffee and soda, two things which have proven to be my biggest vices -- although, I personally do not really think of coffee as a vice. Really, I don't see anything wrong with it -- unless it's just a horribly bad brew. I  mean, I guess the caffeine isn't "all that good" for me as some people have pointed out. And while I usually respond with, "Pfft," I did decide to cut out the hard stuff. Since February I haven't had any carbonated beverage or any coffee. I thought about cutting out caffeine completely, but hey, I'm not completely nuts-o (keep comments to yourselves), and therefore, have been keeping up my tea routine. Anyhow, this Sunday, April 4, is EASTER! FINALLY! Or as I like to refer to it: The Day the Madness Ends. I am beyond excited to brew that first cup of joe, then head up to a coffee shop or two and really reconnect with that little, magical cup of pure bliss: Coffee! Coffee! Coffee!

Anyhow, the reason I write is because I came across an image that speaks to me and reminds me that the end is near. So very near.

And if anyone has any coffee stories they'd like to share with me, please refrain until Monday. I'll be fully caffeinated and functional by then ;)

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