Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Erin Go Bragh!

Happy St. Patrick's Day my lads and lasses! I hope this March 17 finds you happy, healthy, safe, and in green! The weather here in Atlanta is rather dismal, but I feel that the excitement for the day will make it cheery. For TCM's Daytime Programming today you'll be able to find a number of Irish-American classics. For instance, at this very moment, I'm watching The Irish in Us - a great Jimmy Cagney, Pat O'Brien (REPRESENT!), Lloyd Bacon collaboration. The stereotypes are abundant (police officer, firefighter, boxer, momma's boys), but the film is still extremely enjoyable - and how could it not be - it's got Jimmy Cagney!

In addition to the shamrocks and leprechauns racking my brain, I did see a couple movies last weekend. First, Tim Burton-Johnny Depp's Alice in Wonderland. Sadly, I must report, the movie was not good. Disappointment cannot even begin to explain my feelings on the film. I was SO excited for this one, and alas, Tim and Johhny did not deliver. It was sloppy, awkward, and just plain strange. There were scenes that did not make sense and dialogue which was indecipherable. So sad. Many younger audience members liked it - they were clapping at the end - so I suppose that says something since some folks enjoyed this version of
Alice. But not I. Sigh.

I also watched a documentary called No Impact Man - though really, it should have been
No Impact Family. The doc poses the question: To what extremes would you go in order to live and have no impact on the earth for a year? Well, New York City family Colin Beaven, his wife Michelle, and their 2-year old daughter Isabella take (some drastic) measures over the course of 12 months to figure out what can feasibly be done to answer that question. They only eat food grown within 250-miles of their home (so bye bye coffee and meat); they do not take elevators, trains, cabs, planes, etc (so hello stairs, bikes and scooters!); and they go without electricity (in their home) for 6 months - that was probably the craziest part of the project. Overall, the film brought up some interesting talking points and made me wonder what - if any - of those measures I could take. As of right now, I'm going coffee-free (and it sucks), and I rarely take elevators. But I do live in Atlanta, so I'm a slave to the automobile. Perhaps if I ever live in a more urban, pedestrian, walking friendly city I'll be a little less impact lady.

Happy St. Patrick's day once more! Enjoy your pint(s) and be nice to your Irish brethren!

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