Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Less than a month later...

So, as many predicted, I have been slacking on the posts. But while I have a bit of downtime here at TCM, I thought I'd write at least a little something. Let's see...

Okay, I saw Iron Man, and it was extremely entertaining. I can't help it: I love Robert Downey, Jr. And in this movie, he's even more attractive than I ever remember. Maybe sobriety actually suits him. If you haven't seen it, you should. And when you do, make sure you're still sitting down by the time the last credit rolls. You won't be disappointed. Trust me.

I also saw Sex and the City last night. And I'm not sure how objective I can be because I saw it: For free, through work (I actually got to leave work early), and they gave me popcorn and a diet coke. And I won the official Sex and the City book (a $20 value!). Jealous? Anyhow, the movie was what I expected. For the length of - about - an entire disc (2.25 hours) it stayed pretty true to the show - for the exception of the use of really ridiculous music. And while it got awfully depressing in the middle, it evoked the essences of each of the four ladies. I really did enjoy it. Towards the end, nostalgia hit me. Hard. And I will admit, I cried. Though, I think it was a mixture of my missing New York, and of course, my ladies (Cor, Pris, Rach, Haley). Nonetheless, it was well worth my 2+ hours.

I've also watched a couple classic films at work: The Spiral Staircase and The Postman Always Rings Twice - and will be screening two more by weeks end - You Can't Take it With You and Modern Times. We also put together a little tribute to Sydney Pollack which aired this past Monday (June 2nd). It was pretty surreal being surrounded by many people who worked with him fairly regularly. He, of course, was the original host of The Essentials on TCM and was in a number of terrific films - some of which he himself directed and others in which he produced. He will be missed greatly by both his peers and his fans.

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