Saturday, May 17, 2008

Part II: Two Weeks Later

Very much settled into my routine, my life here in Atlanta has been going great so far, especially at TCM. The first day was the usual HR paperwork, meeting a bunch of folks, and familiarizing myself with the "Campus" (aka the Techwood offices). Everyone so far has been really great and super nice. I probably acted like a total film nerd and salivated as I searched through Turner's library. Who would blame me? Their collection is fantastic! My second day, however, proved ridiculously fun, and to use the age-old expression, I was pretty much a kid in a candy store. For the rest of week one I was in studio with Mr. Robert Osborne as he filmed all his intros and outros for the coming month. Everyone knows my insatiable appetite for trivia, and most of the minute to two minute segments are saturated with fun movie facts regarding each film. I tended to sit and stare at the monitor and teleprompter, hopefully, with a look of interest and intrigue as opposed to open mouthed gaping. (I think that I succeeded with the former.) On Friday, the last day of Osbo's shoot, I kept time code and called out all shot and wardrobe changes. Then at the end, I shouted, "That's a wrap!" Quite exhilarating :) But even more so was when Osbo came over, patted me on the back, and told me I did a great job. Compliment from the man himself. Awesome.

During the week I went to dinner with Blakely and Vic at Carrol Street Cafe, and we spotted Jane Fonda - the former Mrs. Ted Turner - hanging out in support of her daughter's art/photo show. Then Thursday Vic, Ash, Glenn, and I went to Radiohead at Lakewood. This was my fourth time seeing the lads from Oxford, and while they put on a great show, I must say, I was not impressed with Lakewood. I enjoyed the show nonetheless. I mean, it's Radiohead! The weekend was a lot of fun: Amber's grad party at the Wells'; meeting up with Orly in Buckhead; then Sunday (though a day of recovery) Orly's grad dinner at Fago de Chao with her parents. Thank goodness my appetite came back for that - it was delicious!

Monday and Tuesday was more administrative stuff at TCM. I did, however, spend a lot of time with Brittany in the editing suites as she is the producer on the Bill Maher and Rainn Wilson guest programming pieces. I like that I also use the creative aspects of my brain as opposed to strictly administrative. The rest of the week was spent in studio with Ben Mankiewicz - he does the weekend segments - and I learned how different he is from Osborne. He's about half Osborne's age, and he tries to add a bit of sarcasm and humor into his segments. I definitely look forward to working with both him and Osborne more over the course of my three months.

So that should sum up my time so far. I'll do my best to stay more up-to-date, but first, let me outline my intentions for this summer's blog:

1. Journal my time at TCM;
2. As well as with the Group and all activities in which we partake;
3. Write about any movies I see - be it a new release, a classic (alas, I still have a handful of
films on the AFI list to view), or even a film I re-watch.

Those are my three main goals. Next up, Iron Man. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Yay! I'm so glad you started this. Also, glad you enjoyed the banana bread. BTW, I found my mini tape recorder this afternoon. Heh. Do you still want one?