Monday, June 23, 2008

Weekend Round-up

While I didn't watch any movies this weekend, I found myself on many a culinary and an exploratory adventure. Friday night Ash, Glenn, Noah and I started our Solstice festivities at Taqueria del Sol where I enjoyed a fish taco, a carnita taco, some guacamole and refreshing margarita. I'd been craving some Taqueria goodness for a couple weeks, and let me say, the wait was worth it. After dinner we made our way over to Cabbagetown and met Vic at Krog Bar - a place I'd been looking forward to experiencing myself after the rave Amateur Gourmet review. Perhaps if it hadn't been a Friday night or I'd gone before its popularity became too overwhelming, I'm sure Krog Bar and I would have been fast friends. While the wine was delicious and the pours rather generous, the prices are a little out of my everyday range and the space a bit too cramped, but I might give it another try.

Next stop was 97 Estoria where hard drinks were had, but just one each. We were also kept entertained by a couple - acrobatically positioned in the passenger seat of a car - who was not ashamed to display some rather ridiculous PDAs. With that, and since we ladies felt a chocolate craving needing fixing, we decided to pay Vic's sister Erica a visit at Carroll Street. After some delicious chocolate mousse and an entertaining phone call from Orly, we headed a couple blocks over to Milltown Arms Tavern, where Noah and Vic schooled me in darts. Glenn, being the good guy he is, did his best to fudge the score, but I still came out on the losing end. That's okay. I plan on practicing for next time.

Saturday night was a local night. Friday's crew (minus Vic) hit up Atkins Park then Vintage Tavern in Smyrna proper - a new area for me. Ash described Atkins as yuppy central - popped collars et al. - and I was a bit concerned. While an affluence was evident, the place was pretty chill. I had a delicious crab cake paired with a nice glass of Oregon Pinot Gris. In comparison to Atkins, Vintage finds itself dangling between dive bar and chic dive bar. Sitting outside was key to the bar's charm as our distance allowed us to peer through the windows and ridicule many of the bar's patrons. Cruel, you may call us, but all comments were well justified. Trust me.

Sunday Glenn and I brunched at South City Kitchen: very satisfying and a place I'd like to return for dinner. The egg/spinach/cheese tart I recommend. After brunch, and since it was such a lovely day, we explored Smyrna and Austell. Glenn pointed the Silver Comet Trail out to me (which I then added - in my head - to my list of things to do). As we drove along the tree-lined roads, we entered into the Covered Bridge District. Both Glenn and I were beyond excited to explore this land of covered bridges, but as we soon discovered, one covered bridge equates a district. Rather disappointing, but it seems that a few of the bridges had been uncovered and left in their naked forms. I'll give Austell the benefit of the doubt that at some point in time at least two bridges were covered.

Later in the day I watched the Red Sox go 13-innings, and while I'm thrilled they won, I was less so during the insufferably long game. The fact that the boys had the bases loaded on more than one occasion and could not convert a run drove me - and many others I'm sure - crazy! So to feed my depression, I went to Five Guys with the roomies and stuffed my sorrows away with a burger and dog. Hit the spot for sure.

1 comment:

Glenn Grimwood said...

Sounds to me like you had a rather extraordinary weekend - rife with adventure, booze, and awesome times with the coolest Puerto Rican living in apartment 3050 F.