Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dear LOST: You're Making Me Mad.

G'morning All. It's May! FINALLY! A good month! Summer's fast approaching, days are getting longer, and I no longer have coursework hanging over my head - yay! And while I'm not quite back to normalcy, I am getting there. I do want to fill you all in on the changes and triumphs in the life of Yours Truly, but as of right now, my thoughts - though they shouldn't be - are on the series LOST

Yes. I enjoy LOST. At least, I usually like LOST. I have to say that this last episode puts me on the brink of break up - but because it's almost over, I can't tear myself away. I think this last episode was, hands down, the WORST this season, and with just a few hours left EVER, I'm losing hope that JJ Abrams and crew are going to step it up and wrap it up nice and tightly. With a bow. And maybe a little bell. Instead, it's probably going to be wrapped in newspaper (and NOT the Funny section), and have lots of rips and tears. Or, most likely, they're just going to throw it in the bag. Or maybe they won't even spring for a bag. It'll just be dropped in our laps. Oy.

Well, I got to thinking about the show more last night after Glenn, his sister, and I had a conference call concerning this week's episode (yes, we "3-wayed" the phone call, something I haven't done since elementary or middle school). Anyhow, paired with a brief convo I had with my sister Rita, the consensus seems to be that we're all very very very concernced about how the series is going to end. May 23 is the series finale - that's less than 3 weeks away - NOT enough time to explain the oodles of ambiguous and mindboggling storylines the creators have teased us with. I've enjoyed  the puzzle and mystery of the series, the parallel timelines, the majority of the characters, the creative ways the writers plant clues; but it has gotten to the point where the show has been way overextended, the answers so far have been rather unsatisfactory, and there are just so many lazy, erroneous errors. As my boss Sean pointed out after this week, "Ummm, don't they know it takes more than 5 minutes for a sub to surface? Did anyone think of that?" Apparently not the LOST writers.

Alright, WARNING: Spoiler Alert. so this week, 3 of the major characters were killed off. And I couldn't have cared less. I mean, I'm sure they're not dead-dead because of the whole alternate reality going on, but still, just as lackluster Jin and Sun's reunion was a couple weeks ago, their deaths were just as boring. And as for Sayid - one of the most interesting of the Oceanic 6 - he's been so weird this season and there have been a few theories around him, that I'm fearing he got the axe as a way to give the creators an out and not have to explain that confusion. I just, I don't know. Honestly, the things I love most about LOST concern the whole myth of the series, the discussions and theories that arise after every Tuesday, and the Jezebel re-cap posts that arrive every Wednesday afternoon. They all usually help me make sense of why, say, Jin, Sun, and Sayid were killed off, but not this week. I think we're all just like, "WTF?!"

In conclusion, I'm hoping that LOST doesn't disappoint, but I'm quickly finding myself creeping over to Glenn's side, thinking that the show is going to make me want to injure JJ Abrams, Damon Lindelof, and Carlton Cuse. They've said in many interviews that all the answers are in season 1. Well, I borrowed season 1 from Glenn, and go back to it now and then on Netflix Instant Play, and I haven't found the answer. But, I'm hoping that come May 23, I won't be hanging my head because I am horribly disappointed; instead, I hope to be overcome with complete admiration, wonderful relief, and satisfaction for my investment in the world of LOST. But I'll have to update you on the outcome May 24. I'll be honest: I'm nervous! Eeek!

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