Friday, April 30, 2010

So Looking Forward to May!

Whew. I think, I hope, I have completed my coursework at BU for my Masters. I submitted my last paper just today, and it felt GREAT (and a little scary)!!! I'm hoping to have that degree in, oh, I guess 2 weeks time - just a year delayed.

The month of April has been INSANE - super hectic on all fronts - hence the lack of blog posts since April 8. There was this little event called the TCM Classic Film Festival (1st ever) out in Hollywood - and though I did not get to go - the week proved to be the busiest I've been at work in a loooooooooooong time. The quiet was nice, the extra money was awesome, but I've put my bid in for next year, and I plan to have first-hand documentation of the 2nd Film Fest. The out pour of appreciation for the Festival was overwhelming. I mean, I know people like TCM, but I never knew HOW MUCH! I have a job that actually means something to a lot of people. It's nice to know that my obsession with Classic Movies is not in vain, and a ton of folks out there feel the same way!

Mainly as a way to avoid the work I should have been doing, I've been watching movies and tv shows via the beauty of Netflix Instant Play (most especially WEEDS which I am a bit addicted to - haha, funny, get it, Addicted to...). However, one date night consisted of a trip to the cinema to see a movie I did not choose, and one I'm still trying to decide about. The movie was Kick-Ass, and I have to say, I did not hate it. It was pretty hilarious in parts, horribly violent and graphic in others, but overall, it made me laugh at the absurdity of it all. And  yes, Nic Cage was in it, but he didn't ruin the movie! When the usher tore the tickets and saw Kick-Ass on them he said, "Ah yeah - I liked this movie." Which I replied, "Really, even though Nic Cage is in it?" And laughing, he responded with, "It works because he's got the weird mustache going on." Indeed. And I have to say, the usher was right: I kinda liked the movie, too. I'm sure you all know, but just to be clear, Kick-Ass is definitely NOT a kids' movie. The best description I can give, which is not mine, but I'm stealing it: "It's kinda like South Park for superhero movies." Tru. Nuff.

Okay, that's all I can post right now. I'm looking forward to May, and hopefully the return of normalcy. We have a shoot on Monday, and I'm producing two of the pieces. Lots of work, but the people are really great! I'll write more about that later. Enjoy the weekend!

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