Sunday, January 31, 2010

School Project 1

This quarter I'm taking a class at SCAD called "Cinematography and Editing." Really, it's a Final Cut Pro class (which works for me because I really want to learn the program). It can be tedious, but also a lot of fun. My first assignment was to put images to the Robert Frost poem "The Road Not Taken." To me, the poem is about choices, and the most personal choice comes between the city and the country and the lifestyles associated with each. In order to create this contrast, I shot a series of videos while in the North Georgia Mountains a couple weeks ago, then I paired those videos with a series of videos I shot around Atlanta. I wanted to create a split screen with two videos running simultaneously, bookending each with one choice. The final cut I submitted is not flawless, but I had fun with it and felt pretty good about what I was able to do with my limited knowledge of FCP.

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