Thursday, January 28, 2010

James Cameron is back in my good graces.

Wow. Amazing. Incredible. Visually magnificent. Story? Heard and scene it many times (It's Dances with Wolves meets Pocahontas meets James Cameron). But who cares! The world that James Cameron & Co. create is absolutely unbelievable! Avatar is a movie that must be seen in 3D - trust me - those glasses will not bother you. If you're able - both physically and financially - see it in IMAX 3D. Like, whoa, awesome. I know now what it must feel like to be in a video game, and I'm sure those The World of War Craft kids took time out of their busy schedules to see Avatar - probably a few times. There were scenes that were completely breathtaking and if I could have, I would have walked right into the screen...can you imagine living The Purple Rose of Cairo through Avatar??? How amazing would that be?? I mean, assuming you survive. Avatar's fictitious world is set on the planet Pandora in the year 2159 (if my memory serves correctly), and the story is simple: Greedy, corporate, money hungry, violent Americans want to take over the Navi race to mine their planet for a rare, expensive (like really pricey) element. Honestly, this is a film that could have been produced as a silent movie and set to a musical score - and you wouldn't be missing anything. Regardless of its simplistic tale and message, I cannot stress enough how unbelievable Avatar is. Judging by its box office numbers, I'm sure pretty most everyone has seen it by now, but if you haven't - GO! Do not miss this in the theater! You won't regret it!

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