Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Peabody What??

Hello again...yes, I'm back, and it's only been a day! But I had to share a photo I was given today. It's yours truly with Mr. Robert Osborne - in his New Year's Eve finest - with TCM's very own Peabody Award (if I had known pictures were to be taken that day, I would have worn something nicer...and newer). It was exciting, and I had to share. Maybe get you to drool at all my hardwork over the last year ;)

Also, I just finished a documentary from 1992 called Visions of Light all about the world of Cinematography. Really great doc. They only interviewed DPs, so it's completely genuine. I'm telling you - movies can look ohhhhh soooo good.

Okay, back to work!

1 comment:

Glenn Grimwood said...

AWESOME! Congrats!! Wow. You are quite distinguished now. You'll start wearing a monocle soon, no?