Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy Happy New Year!

Happy 2010 all!! I hope each and everyone of you had a wonderful holiday season. I don't know about you, but I was ready to say, "Bye-Bye 2009!" and "HELLO 2010!!!" Though it's scary to think it's 2010! That's the year of the SEQUEL to 2001: A Space Odyssey - the SEQUEL! We're in the future!

Anyhow. I have a lot of movies to see this month, but it's been a tad difficult because I'm hooked on Dexter - oh my gosh - such a fantastic show! I spent most of this last weekend watching Season 2, and Sunday watched the first couple episodes of Season 3. I cannot wait to got caught up until the 4th season. I haven't read anything about it, but I've gleaned from people's "OMFG" comments that something crazy exciting happens! Shhhh....don't share yet!

And I have officially commenced the Winter Quarter at SCAD - well, online at least. I'm kinda excited about my classes. One of them is called Cinematography and Editing which will get me familiar with Final Cut Pro and various (easy) production and editing processes. I've got to get the creative juices flowing this month! But it shouldn't be too hard since I received an awesome Christmas present which will push me in the right direction: the Kodak zi8 pocket digital video camera. Look out world! I'll be capturing you in 720p and 1080p! Then editing you in Final Cut! Woo woo! I suppose I should actually be doing classwork and not blogging...

Once again, Happy New Year! Be safe and well, and I'll be back to talk about movies - both mine and the professionals :)

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