Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oscar Nods

Alright, earlier today the list of 82nd Oscar nominees were revealed. I can't say there were too many surprises. I also can't say that expanding the list of Best Picture nominees from 5 to 10 proves anything other than the inclusion of some less than worthy films - but that's my opinion. The obvious contenders are in there: Avatar, The Hurt Locker (which is REALLY fantastic), Up in the Air, Inglorious Basterds, and Up. I was a bit surprised to see The Blind Side on that list, but that just goes to show that the more you campaign and prostitute yourself, your movie can also be a Best Picture nominee! I netflixed District 9 which I've been eager to see since someone (who shall remain nameless) saw it without me. And I'm still planning on seeing An Education before it ends its theatrical run.

The acting nominations came as expected (will Sandra Bullock actually win??!), as did the directors. I'm super stoked and excited for Kathryn Bigelow (the director of The Hurt Locker) being included among her male cohorts (including her ex-husband, James Cameron). Last week she won the coveted Directors Guild Award - the first time a woman has done so. If she wins on March 7th, she'll make Oscar history, too, by becoming the first female Best Director Oscar winner. THAT would be awesome - LONG LONG overdue - and dash my hopes of accomplishing that feat. But I will be super thrilled to witness Ms. Bigelow's acceptance speech for a film that is so masculine in content, yet handled with such feminine care that it can rightfully be considered the best and most touching movie about the Iraq War so far.

My one beef with this year's nominees: Where the hell is Moon?! That movie was fantastic. Sam Rockwell was excellent. And I kept thinking about it long after I left the theater. I think that was a major oversight, and I wish the movie would be given the credit it rightly deserves.

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