Sunday, July 27, 2008

Where's Paula Deen?

I enjoyed some delicious Southern cuisine on Saturday. For brunch, Ash, Glenn and I headed to West Egg Cafe in Atlanta. I've heard about West Egg for sometime, and passing it a few times this week, my curiosity peaked. It's nestled off the side of Howell Mill amidst the crazy construction that just will not end! But this does not intimidate the hungry patrons seeing that we had a 20 minute wait at noon. The place has the industrial look - wide open space with exposed pipes, vents - and while it may be a bit loud for intimate conversation, the food makes it well worth it. Debating among the specials and permanent food fixtures, I decided to go Southern and opted for the Fried Green Tomato Breakfast Wrap and a side of Turkey Sausage. Yummy! And since my coffee consumption has - sadly - waned significantly, I washed the wrap down with some delicious Batdorf & Bronson Coffee. Drinking my java, memories from last summer with Rita in Olympia came flooding back. Sigh to remembrances of days of high caffeination!

Many hours later, after digesting brunch, Ash, Glenn and I met Vic, Blakely, Ty and Noah at a place I've been super excited about for many, many months: Watershed. Rita and Melissa have been telling me about this place for years, and people at work have mentioned it as a place I MUST go before I leave Atlanta. And of course, the Amateur Gourmet blogged about it in his Atlanta post. Additionally, though some group members care nothing for the Indigo Girls, the place is co-owned by one of them, Emily, and appropriately named after one of my favorite Indigo Girls' songs.

After enjoying a beer (Red Brick Blonde - though I wanted the Summer Ale, but whatever) at Taco Mac up the street, we made our way to Watershed, then waited an additional half hour for our reserved table (boo). Finally, with a glass of Syrah in hand, we sat and perused the menu. To start, Noah and I shared the Butter Bean Hummus - something I've never had since all my hummus tastings have been of the chickpea variety - but this southern take on the Middle Eastern spread was delicious, and it seemed almost creamier - "butterier" as Ash coined - than most. For my entree I went completely southern (and vegetarian): Okra Pancakes, Summer Squash, Tomato, Cucumber Salad and, of course, a side of Mac-n-cheese. Everything was perfectly portioned, fresh and delicious. The Mac-n-cheese was by far the highlight of my meal, and I greatly urge you to get it if you make it to Watershed. You will not be disappointed! It's so creamy and cheesy, and the side portion is plenty since it has a bit of decadence to it. Everyone pretty much tried something different: Ash had duck, Glenn ate fried catfish and hush puppies, Vic went with the penne, Blakely tried the shrimp and sausage boil, and Noah and Ty both had the burger. Such boys. Overall, I think everyone really enjoyed their meal. Ash and Glenn as well as Blakely and Ty took up dessert, all trying the Very Good Chocolate Cake. It looked delicious, and while Ash said it was good, she didn't consider it the best she'd ever tried, but still enjoyable.

Though Brick Store was next on the list of the night's Decatur activities, with our bellies full, everyone parted ways and made it home. Safely, I believe. I would really like to hit up both West Egg and Watershed on a future ATL trip, but at least I knocked a couple more places off my ATL Dining Guide this weekend. Woot.

Wow, is it time for breakfast AGAIN already? Ohhhh tummy ache.

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