Saturday, July 26, 2008

Don't Stop Believing?

This week was my final studio session with Robert Osborne, and the week's shoot grew tiring as each day was filled with many, many scripts resulting in each day running longer than the previous. Friday, the last day of the shoot, ran well over. Regardless, it was a fantastic opportunity and well worth it just to have Robert tell me that I'm part of the family and must come back. I'm sure he says that to each intern that graces the TCM family, but it was nice to hear. Hopefully, in a year or so, a more permanent opportunity will come my way.

And there was exciting news at TCM this week involving Ben Mankiewicz. With the departure of Ebert & Roeper from "At the Movies", Ben and Ben Lyons were announced as the show's new hosts. The two Bens will take the chairs in September, but no fears: Ben will continue his run as TCM's weekend movies host.

Back to Friday: After the shoot ran a couple hours over, a few of the ladies - Alexa, Brittany, Crystal, Sandy - and I headed to Nuevo Laredo for margaritas and guacamole. Delicious! Brittany, Victor, and I had lunch there one Friday afternoon but passed on the drinks and chips. Yesterday, however, we were all about them. We vented over the shoot, and I listened to stories about Robert in the "old" days - going back 15 years or so. And the margaritas proved a wise decision for the rest of the night's activities. Er, activity rather.

While last week's most anticipated release broke box office records all over the world, I'm pretty sure this week's will not follow that model. Ash and I accompanied Glenn to The X-Files: I Want to Believe. My hesitation grew throughout the day as I glimpsed titles or first lines of reviews: "I wanted to believe," "Hard to Believe in X-Files," "X-Files Movie a Thriller? Don't You Believe It." I try to stay away from reviews until I see a film, but needless to say, my hopes were not high for this one. I was never an X-Files fanatic. Sure, I watched a few episodes of the series while it was on air, and I saw the first movie, but for some reason, I just never got into it. Nothing against the paranormal and extraterrestrial themes - I find them fascinating - but Mulder and Scully just never did it for me. I don't know, perhaps I'm still a bit scarred from David Duchovny's appearance in Full Frontal. Anyhow, this second X-Files film was less than stellar than what I remember of the first, and I think I may have fallen asleep once or twice during it only to be awoken by the jarring stabs in my side from Glenn. Honestly, I can't explain the film's premise. I remember Amanda Peet being an agent, Mulder coming out of seclusion, and Scully being on staff at some Catholic hospital. I also remember Mulder and Scully discussing their son which came as a shock to me. They have/had a son?! When? Where's the kid? I don't think the movie answered either of those questions. When the film ended, I thought, okay, this was bad, but maybe a bona fide fan - like Glenn - saw something that completely by-passed me. Sadly, Glenn was just as disappointed as Ash and I. And to top it off: AMC only does student priced tickets on Thursdays - what's that about?!
Sigh, depressing evening for all involved. The faith is gone.

1 comment:

Glenn Grimwood said...

I still cry at night....