Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Musical Interlude.

After a tasty dinner at the Vortex, Ash, Glenn and I made our way to the She & Him show at Variety Playhouse in Little Five Points last night, and it was fantastic! For the exception of a minor setback - thanks to yours truly - Zooey, M. Ward and their band put on an incredibly entertaining show! Zooey Deschanel is just so darn adorable and her voice is ridiculously gorgeous. That twangy, bluesy, folky combination she has going on where she channels Emmylou and Joni works so well. And she and M. Ward blend together beautifully. The rest of the band was solid, and one of the ladies - Becky Stark, I believe - had a solo. She seems the most free-spirited of the band and I feel she has somewhat childlike ideals: sweet, yet naive. I mean, I'm getting this from one song, so I'm sure she's much tougher than she looks. Well, maybe not. Anyhow. Since they only have one album out, they played an hour long set then came back for a 2-song encore. Short, but sweet. I am looking forward to much more music from She & Him and, hopefully, future shows. They introduced a new song which is just as delightful as the rest, so I have high hopes for their sophomoric effort. And I also want to know where Zooey got her dress - super cute!

There was one opener: a bluegrass band called Freakwater, and they were good. I didn't love all their stuff, but they are definitely gifted musicians. The more I listened to them, the more I realized how I need some bluegrass in my life. I love the banjo! And the mandolin! I've decided to become a regular at the Olde Inne while on Cape since Irish seisiuns are always entertaining. I think, perhaps, I may have been a musician in a past-life but where are my musical abilities now?! Hmmm, maybe I'll bust out the old fiddle and join in one of those seisiuns. Then again, maybe not because they'll probably kick me out. Sigh.

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