Thursday, May 7, 2009

Re-cap for April - Yay!!!

Ahhhhhhhhh, it's been a while, eh? I went the whole month of April without a single post - sad. I did, however, see just ONE movie the whole month (well, new release that is) - Sunshine Cleaning - and I went at the (semi-) urging of my father, who said that he and my mother LOVED this latest quirky, funny, feel good movie from the same folks who brought us Little Miss Sunshine just a few years ago. And they were right - Sunshine Cleaning is an adorably refreshing film with a very unique plot line and fantastic performances from Amy Adams (on whom, I must admit, I have a girl crush), Emily Blunt, Alan Arkin, and Steve Zahn (of whom, sadly, I feel we do not see enough!). It's nice to know that not ALL of Hollywood is just cranking out the same ole stories, which they tend to do. I mean, have you ever wondered who comes in and cleans up the horrible remains from a crime scene? Or even who would want to? That's usually the part that gets left out of Law & Order (in any and all of its incarnations). The film does get a little sappy, but since we American audiences love our happy endings, it's all part of Sunshine Cleaning's "feel good" nature. Extremely enjoyable, and a film, I hope, which will get some well deserved attention.

I feel as though I re-watched a bunch of oldies, but goodies. Most recently: Clueless, The Godfather (all three parts), TCM's Brando (doc on Marlon), and I fell asleep during T2 and The Boondock Saints - whoops. I'll get through them eventually. And most recently Netflix brought me Mamma Mia! - which I must admit, I didn't hate, but since I love ABBA, I suppose that's natural. Pierce Brosnan, though he may be one of the most attractive men to walk the earth, cannot carry a tune - unless it's an Irish drinking song in a pub (see Evelyn for that: Pierce does a rendition of "The Parting Glass" which is quite superb, and the film itself is pretty wonderful) - but some people I know called Mamma Mia! "career-ending" for the Irishman. I don't think I'd go that far, but still, it was pretty bad. Next on my Netflix queue, a documentary, Girls Rock!

Oh, and a side note: I submitted my thesis (ergo, the ONE new film seen and lack of posting). Yes, all 85 pages of my verbal vomit were sent in the end of April. Now I'm just waiting to see if those pages are worthy enough for my passing grade and what will inevitably need to be reworked before I make my final submission to BU's Mugar Library. Keep your fingers crossed I don't have to re-write the whole thing. Oy vey!

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