Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Today I was going back through my posts - the few there are - and saw a draft dated 08/08/08 which I never finished. This was to be my "Farewell TCM" post discussing my last week as an intern. Instead of deleting it, I thought I'd post in now:

Alas, my days as an intern are officially over. Tuesday was my final day at TCM, and surprisingly, one of the busiest of the summer. I planned on spending half days on Monday and Tuesday since Brittany and Sean would be on vacation, Gary in Maine, and Hadley and Tom in LA, but instead worked full days with literally no down time. I was up in the dub room, down in Video Copying Services (VCS), in the Avid suites, down in the shipping room - never, really, at my desk. Then at the end of the day, I had to pack up my desk to assist in the move, and thinking back on the day, I'm pretty sure I forgot to label or pack something away. Ooops. I really hope I didn't screw anything up too badly. Looking back on my time at TCM, though, I wouldn't change anything. Well, expect for the whole unpaid aspect. Everyone was super great to me, and I feel that I learned a lot about program production and films that -most likely- I would never have seen, not to mention ever written about.

That was all I said about my final moments from my summer internship. I did add a little blurb at the end about the night's celebratory activities (note the ()):

To celebrate the end of my TCM days (for now), Ash and I met up with Vic, Dave, Noah, Ken and Glenn at Holeman & Finch. Now I chose this place after reading a GQ article about the Top 20 cocktails in the US.

I failed to mention just which cocktails I had: Southern Cola - which made the Top 20 list - and another cocktail whose name I cannot recall but I do remember had absinthe in it (slightly). Also, H&F was voted 2008 Restaurant of the Year by Atlanta Magazine and remains high on my list (for a special occasion most likely). I also failed to share that after H&F Ash, Glenn, Vic and I stopped off at The Treehouse for one last indulgence before heading home. Nice summer time spot.

So that was the end of my summer in Atlanta. We did end up hanging out in the Highlands my last Saturday in the city, and at places that are just around the corner from me now. Perhaps I was subconsciously prepping for my return just a few months later?Anyhow, I thought I'd share. I suppose I should get back to work, pretty much the same work I did over the summer. But this time - I get paid! Ain't life grand?

1 comment:

Glenn Grimwood said...

Those were good times...Fond, fond memories...