Thursday, May 7, 2009

On a lovely April evening 15 years ago...

Oh geez...I almost work related news:

Turner Classic Movies celebrated its 15th birthday on April 14th! Robert Osborne and company (that includes me!!!!) enjoyed the festivities for most of the month. The highlight, however, was a screening of Gone With the Wind at the Fox on April 19th. This year marks GWTW's 70th anniversary, and it was the first film shown on TCM back in 1994. Well, while it was the upteenth viewing of the epic classic for me, one person in my party had never seen it, and how jealous I am that Sir Glenneth saw Gone With the Wind not only on the big screen, but at the place it premiered on December 15, 1939 - the Fabulous Fox Theater. And to boot, Robert Osborne and Molly Haskell introduced it. Lucky, lucky fellow. Still, it's amazing, not only to me but also to the ladies who also attended, that Glenn went 25 years, growing up in GWTW country, without ever seeing the film. Damn, now we have to get that boy to the Cyclorama! Although, I think I'm the ONLY person (at least in my GWTW party) who ever enjoyed "that place next to the zoo." Whatever happened to history being fun?!

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