Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Hello to all My Dear Little Irish Colleens and Oh Danny Boys on this March 17, 2009! I hope this day finds you decked out in your greenest, shamrockest, leprechaunesque threads. In case you're wondering, I have on my "O'Brien & Sons" Brewpub tee and green track jacket, AND I'm carrying my green Whole Foods bag (well, this wasn't planned since I usually use this to carry my stuff around). Anyhow. Thesis statement: I hope you're wearing green. And maybe doing a lil' jig...too much to ask?

I wanted to share a very funny post I saw on digg.com yesterday. Perhaps it will bring you enjoyment for many (potential) hours...or at least until your ears bleed:

Also, in case you're searching for some Irish cinematic wonderfulness, check out TCM tonight. Or go rent/netflix/play instantly/buy some or all of the following: The Commitments, My Left Foot, Once, The Quiet Man. Those are some of the highlights - at least in my book. If you have others, please share!

Now go get your corned beef and green beer! And get your Riverdance on!


Glenn Grimwood said...

Are you going to do a jig? Please...

Courtney said...

I did...you must have missed it.