Friday, May 16, 2008

Part I: Two Weeks Later

I'm wrapping up the end of week two here in lovely Atlanta, and since this is the first time I've had a chance to blog, I'll do my best to give the abbreviated version of my final days in my homestate and these early times back in my adopted one. This might happen in two installments, but we'll see how much I can get out in the next few minutes. Here we go...

Where to begin...oh yes, finals...mixed in with finding a subletter (which I did and who is meshing well with the ladies of 180 Washington), moving (thanks to Dad), then traveling the 1200 or so miles from Brighton to the Cape and onto Georgia (once again thanks to Dad and of course to Mom who packed me and ensured that I would be presentable as an intern). The first word that comes to mind: tiring. I feel that most of those days was spent in a fog, and I really am not sure how I got everything done, but apparently, I did. Three of my papers were turned in by the time I left Massachusetts (thank god), and the fourth and final one I actually partially wrote en route. Yup, while Dad drove, I had my macbook, research, and notes open on my lap in the front seat of the mustang. Of course the majority of it I wrote at the hotel, finishing at Ash and Glenn's place just hours before it was due. And thanks to the kindness of a one, Ms. Sarah Leventer, the paper got turned in. Oh, the joy of being a student once again! But all that matters now is...well...I don't have to worry about it anymore. At least not for another three months. Deep breath. If, however, anyone has any thoughts on either American Graffiti or Dazed and Confused - more specifically on their similarities commenting on youth culture, the importance of music within the films to create nostalgia, and how each resonates with contemporary audiences - then please, let's discuss.

But getting to the most important matter, I am here in Atlanta, living with Ash and Glenn (yes, I left one middle school friend and went directly to two others), and interning at pretty much my dream location: Turner Classic Movies (aka TCM for those who like to shorten things). So far, so good. But, I'll continue that tale later. It's time for me to leave the cubicle (yup, I'm here right now - I'm super busy and important this Friday evening as you can tell) and collect my thoughts for the subsequent posts which will keep everyone on the edges of their seats.

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