Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lovely Sunday Films Part I

Wow, it's been a while, eh folks (I feel like I say that a lot, huh)? Well, I'm going to do my best to post once a week (and that, too). And I have a lot to catch up on writing wise since I've seen quite a few films in the last month or so. I may only mention them at this point in time (i.e. (500) Days of Summer, It Might Get Loud, The September Issue, and a few classics), but I'm going to try to be better about more in depth analysis. Especially since I'm rusty after writing my thesis and will be starting classes again in January. Whew...always the student. Never the M.F.A. recipient. I think I'll go backwards in time, starting with today...

It's funny. You know how every once in a while you get a movie scene or quote stuck in your head, and you can't really remember what it's from? Well, I've had this one segment in my head about smiles for a few weeks. I couldn't remember which movie it was where the male protagonist is in love with the female lead and there's a monologue about the number of smiles she has. Luckily, while I was sitting eating my bagel and sipping my latte, I decided to turn on the tele which I haven't done in a few days and see what the weekend movie was on Peachtree TV. When the commercial break finally ended, Josh Duhamel and Kate Bosworth appeared on screen, and I remembered just where that smiles discussion was from: Win a Date with Tad Hamilton! Now, it's not the finest work of the cinema (the acting may turn you away), but I do remember enjoying it - that hopeless romantic movie escapee that I am - when I watched it at the Union Square theater in NYC. I hadn't seen it since, and that's why it's funny that that smiles talk has stayed with me. Movies - especially romantic comedies - can be torturous but at the same time sweet and fun. I guess when I saw Win a Date, I always wondered if anyone would notice how many smiles I have and if I would be able to distinguish someone else's. Or if there are differences in smiles - because I've been more astute at differentiating among laughs - but the smile question still intrigues me. And how a silly, pretty soon forgotten movie has the ability to make me wonder something like that five years later? Anyway, the point is, I no longer have to search my memory for where that line came, and I kinda hope Peachtree TV repeats Win a Date. I think I might have to watch it from the beginning and not 3/4 of the way through. But I'm not so sure I want to Netflix it - yes, I am a pretentious movie snob. Accept. And move on (Dot Org). God. Where is Lorelai when I need her??

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