Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Classic Cinema Fun!

While perusing the interwebs today, I came across a very intriguing blog post on The Gay Philosopher. The post contains a collection published in 1938 of caricatures featuring the leading actors, actresses, directors, and producers gracing the Hollywood sound stages from the 1930's. Sadly, some of the names have been misspelled and not all the pictures are the most flattering, but hey! I like that people make it a point to keep these folks in our cinema vernacular. And since I devoted a chapter of my thesis to him, I'll post the image of Jimmy for your edification. Ahhhh Jimmy, you''ll always have a special place in my heart.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Good Summer Fun Cine!

I have been slacking...whoops...but I have ventured to the theater a couple times since I last wrote (and of course have watched new and old films in the comfort of my apartment). But let's discuss the new releases, and fortunately, so far this summer as compared to last, they don't suck. Yay!

Star Trek: For someone who has never watched an episode or one of the many films from this franchise, I have to say, I was thoroughly entertained and interested in JJ Abrams' latest addition. It wasn't on my list of films to see, but after many co-workers and friends told me the film is AWESOME, I listened. I gotta say, for a summer blockbuster, the film delivers on all fronts: The effects are awesome. The acting's pretty good. And the script proves to give non-Trekkies/Trekkers (not sure which is accurate) insight into the Star Trek universe. I'm starting to realize, however, that JJ has a major preoccupation with time travel. It seems that every one of his shows, at least, the ones I've watched (LOST, Felicity, Fringe) focus on the phenomenon. And since I saw Star Trek not long after the LOST season finale, I was hoping to draw some connections between the passengers aboard the USS Enterprise and those "survivors" from Oceanic Flight 815. Alas, no such luck. Now, I'm not going to go into much detail about the plot of the film, mainly because I can't remember most of the characters names (other than the usual suspects: Kirk, Spock, Scottie) or the specific place names within the Universe. But if you're looking for a fun, somewhat thought provoking, but overall entertaining summer blockbuster, Star Trek will not disappoint. If, however, you're looking for clues to next season's LOST, this may not be exactly what you're hoping for, but if you do find something, please! Let me know!

The Hangover: Oh. My. God. Go see this movie. Yes, it's a guys' movie. Totally ridiculous and ludicrous on all fronts, but not overly gross-out disgusting or chauvinistic. It may make you ladies put the ix-nay on your betrothed and his buddies going to Vegas two days before your wedding, but it's a movie, so put those feelings aside. Just, you know, go with it. Revel in the fact that guys can be completely idiotic, but fortunately, some of them know how to channel that lunacy into an outrageously funny script and get three fantastic actors who deliver stellar (and maybe not so far-fetched) performances. Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, and Zach Galifianakis are brilliant as the three groomsmen who lose their best bud/groom sometime during a night of mayhem and debauchery on the Strip, but then, cannot remember what the hell happened or where the groom could possible be. I mean, everything that could go wrong, does. And while rooting for the guys to figure things out, you can't help but hope that more obstacles get in the way so that our laughter keeps going. And while the old saying goes, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas," happily the filmmakers let us in on all the missing pieces, causing much laughter and squirming at the same time. And Mike Tyson: Hey! He's still got it!