Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm back...

Hello Southern Folk (and other folk as well). Miss me? Well, fear not. I am reviving this blog for you, my devoted and loyal fans who I know have been checking daily since August to see if, perhaps, I had come to my senses and added something new and exciting for you to read in your attempts to avoid doing actual, real work. So, in order to assist in your procrastination (and mine as well), I'll do my best to stay somewhat up-to-date. But, please, don't hate me if I fail. It's tough: Working long hours; "Writing" a thesis in order to retrieve that degree; Setting up shop in my new apartment. But, I promise, I will try, to post more than once every five months. My posts for the next few months will be far from exciting, but once I've kicked this thesis in the rear, I'll share every detail of the great adventures I plan on experiencing after my thesis positions itself on a shelf at BU's great Mugar Library. Until then, pray that happens. I need all the help I can get. Mwah! And talk to you soon!